
The British Burn Association (BBA) is committed to providing education to its members at all levels in a variety of ways.

Download the Education Terms of Reference

This is led by the BBA Education Committee which is a multidisciplinary committee made up of Association members who have an interest in the education of those involved with burn injured individuals.

The current core Committee are:

Mr Odhran Shelley (Chair) 
Ms Sophia Opel (Burns Surgeon)
Miss Lindsay Shanks (Burns Surgeon)
Ms Mary Kennedy (Burns Nurse)
Ms Nicole Lee (Burns Nurse)
Ms Marcela Vizcaychipi (Burns Anaesthesia / ITU)
Ms Vicky Dudman (Burns AHP Therapy)
Ms Rachel Mumford (Burns AHP Psychosocial)
Mr Adam Young (Burns AHP Paramedic)
Ms Mariam Rela (Burns Trainee)
Mr Ali Jawad (PLASTA Representative)

The Education Committee meets at the Annual BBA Scientific Meeting (an open meeting for all with an interest in burns-related education to attend) and then at other times during the year as necessary to arrange educational matters, such as BBA Study Days and communication of other educational information via this website.

The Committee is contactable via the BBA Secretariat if you would like to assist with BBA educational activities.

The Annual Scientific Meeting is an opportunity to acquire new knowledge of what is currently happening in burn care in the UK and abroad.

The BBA co-ordinate the Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course, which has been adapted from the original Australia and New Zealand (ANZBA) course to provide training on the pre-hospital care of the major burn patient.  These courses are run throughout the year at various centres and more information can be obtained through the EMSB section of the website.

Various Burns Services and Networks now offer Burns Study Days and Courses – please see these sections of the website to see what is available in your area.

(Please note that these are not endorsed by the BBA unless specifically mentioned.)

Burns Game

The BBA has worked with Focus Games Ltd and Birmingham City University to develop The Burns Game, an educational board game which aims to improve initial management of burn injuries by delivering knowledge and skills to emergency and healthcare professionals.

You can find out more and purchase the game from

Download an article on the Burns Game has been published in Scars, Burns and Healing Journal

Download the Burns Games Overview