Emergency Management of the Severe Burn Course: EMSB

Registration for these courses can only be made through the online booking system
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The Candidate Course

The patient with burns presents a difficult challenge to most health care personnel. Apart from the serious nature of the injury, there is the patient’s discomfort, the distress of the patient and their relatives, the loss of income and the compromise of their employment future, and their uncertainty about the future. In addition to these factors, the well-known surgical maxim that the trauma patient who is seen, assessed and treated early by skilled personnel heals more quickly than the patient whose treatment is delayed, is as true for the burn victim as it is for any other trauma patient.

This course is based on the principle that timely emergency assessment, resuscitation and transfer provide the best chance of recovery in our patients with burns. Ultimately, the patient that we will be called upon to manage with burns, and perhaps with associated severe injuries, should benefit from this course.

The aim of this course is to provide sufficient factual information regarding the presentation, diagnosis and initial management of the patient with severe burns, to enable medical and nursing practitioners to deal competently with this urgent and often life threatening problem.

This course was written by members of the Association’s Education Committee, each individual chapter being written from members’ personal (and considerable) experience in different areas of burn care. All the contained material is original material that has not been published in this form before.

EMSB FacultyThe Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course provides trauma management guidelines and protocols specific to burns, that are additive in content to EMST. While EMSB is designed to be a “Stand Alone Course”, which provides sufficient information to define the Minimum Standards of Emergency Burn Care (of the Australian and New Zealand Burn Association and the British Burn Association), the course can also be taught in conjunction with the ATLS, providing extra information specific to the management of burns. EMSB covers the principles of the emergency management of severe burns in the British Isles.

The course is appropriate for medical and nursing practitioners who might be required to provide initial management to patients with severe burn injuries eg those working anywhere in the field of burn care, anaesthesia, trauma, pre-hospital and emergency medicine as well as those working in isolated areas.

Apart from teaching the material contained, the course seeks to emphasise the benefits of all emergency care givers having knowledge of the same protocols of emergency burn care, as this facilitates primary care and appropriate referral; the ultimate beneficiary of this approach being our patient with burns.

EMSB CourseThe information is taught in five separate and complimentary sections:

1. Course Manual
2. Formal Lectures
3. Skill Stations
4. Interactive Discussion Groups
5. Simulated Burn Cases
6. Examination and Clinical Test


Registration for these courses can only be made through the online booking system.

Civilian Candidate and Instructor, and Military Instructor EMSB courses are one-day (7:30-17:40).

DUE TO UNCERTAINTY REGARDING HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR COVID-19, COURSES RUNNING MAY BE CANCELLED AT MINIMAL NOTICE.  CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED NOT TO BOOK NON-REFUNDABLE TRAVEL OR ACCOMMODATION AS THE BBA WILL NOT REIMBURSE YOUR LOSS SHOULD THE COURSE BE CANCELLED.  EMSB Senate meets regularly to review the national picture with regard to the delivery of face to face EMSB courses in the context of restrictions relating to Covid-19.  Covid-aware socially distanced courses are currently being held.  All candidates who are booked onto a course will be informed when a place is available for them.  The website will be opened for new bookings as soon as further places become available.

Download the list of course dates and venues for 2024
Download the Covid Regulations for attendance at an EMSB course
Download the EMSB Course Manual 2020

For more information about the EMSB course, please contact Nechama Lewis

EMSB Faculty Recommendation

Download the recommendations to join the EMSB Faculty

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Data Protection Act

Please note:  The British Burn Association (BBA) is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for Data Protection and by booking onto the EMSB course, your details will be held by the BBA in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR.

By booking onto an EMSB course, your details will be shared with EMSB Faculty Members and Course Organisers.  At no time will any data be disclosed for commercial purposes and your details will be kept as a permanent record of your participation, status of certification, CPD and if appropriate, Faculty Membership.

Please note that you have the right to request access to rectify your data, erase it and to object to its processing.  Correspondence regarding your data should be addressed to the Data Controller at info@britishburnassociation.org 

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